Friday, February 11, 2011

Motivation : Ego Massage!

Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs is actually a perfect pyramid of Human Needs, but the least exploited in terms of Human Resources. It was only marketing, which time and again used the components of the pyramids to position its products based on the social structure of large group of people in the pyramid section. " Branding " then became the " Esteem " satisfaction of the Human Need. Much higher a value in the pyramid.

However, the pyramid was one true reflection of " Motivation" of a person at each layer of the management. Starting from the labor force, where the Basic Needs were of utmost importance, to Top Director, where the " Self Actualization " needs were more important then the pay cheque.

I would replace the Word " Esteem " from Maslow`s pyramid to , " Relative Pride" . This is something, which in an organizational set up, every single individual is trying to frame for himself. No matter, how ordinary or simplistic a job, but the person has " Relative Pride " attached to it. This is somehow the biggest accelerator of " Motivation " . On every job being done, a person continuously measures himself in the eyes of his supervisor for some approval rating. These simple confirmation of ok, itself is already a Big Motivator. However, the best motivators are when continuously the organization lays out targets and rewards in words and kind one person or team work.

Sometimes, there are no further ways of setting up targets, then it is the intangibles, that work. Here is a good example.

Most mills that I visit have women workers and all of them have a uniform to wear to the plant. One day, I told the CEO client of mine, that the biggest motivation of your workers is being killed by you, even before they enter a factory. In the name of equality and discipline or whatever, you have given uniforms.

A women by nature has her beauty more important then anything else under the sun. If you don't allow her to dress up as per their choice, you are already killing a very big natural motivator. Each women dresses to only show to another women. No men under the sun is interested in her dress, unless ofcourse it is well revealing. It is the relative pride of a women to show her new dress at work to her colleagues.

Next day, he called a meeting of the workers and took their opinion. As a measure of start, the company allowed " Choose Your Dress" policy for only one day in the week and the result was that the productivity zoomed. Girls looked more confident and there was a kind of new found freedom. Soon, the company budget for uniform was saved and girls looked butterflies all over the factory. ( Next advise, I am going to give the company is to hold Ms Company of the year xxx and then hold Inter company Ms Company competition).

Many a times, it is our mind, which is the biggest obstruction. I still tell all my friends, who wear a uniform to office to stop this nonsense. This Japanese / Korean/ Chinese culture in not worth. Guys and Girls look much nicer with the colourful dresses they wear and intrinsically motivates them for whatever it is worth.

There are many such intangibles ,which reflect the self esteem of a person, other then job approvals. Like boss telling the secretary, she is wearing a nice dress is already a very big motivator, then appreciating her work.

Another example is that putting up pictures of jobs that were uniquely executed with the name of the person. Mind, not the picture of the person. Most companies use pictures of the person and call it " Best Employee" etc etc. However, it is the job which merits the consideration and the person associated with it. It is always the work which a person wants to be identified with. His picture is anyway there in the minds of everyone, only needs the name highlighting. Pictures are sometimes embarrassing, if the guy/girl looks a little out of shape.

Third example was giving a " Beauty Break" to an employee with a voucher to encash at a beautician . And for men, it would be at a wellness centre .

There are hundreds of such ways, where " Relative Pride" gets massaged and acts like a motivator . I hope like Foot Massage and Body Massage, there will be soon outlets for " Pride Massage " and " Ego Massage " where girls will sing songs in praise of the guy on his abusing the boss and men will sing songs in praise of women on their beauty and shape ( winks).

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