Sunday, December 19, 2010

EQ + IQ = MQ

EQ is the Emotional Quotient of the Manager.
IQ is the Intelligence Quotient of the Manager.

When EQ is added to IQ, the result is MQ = Managerial Quotient .

IQ is pumped via the schools and the general intelligence of the person. But when it comes to EQ, there has never been a serious effort on the part of the society to factor it as a part of schooling and personality development.

In my other blog, " Life is Beautiful" I had once written about " Optimum- The child Development Code " and now I would add EQ balance as another primary input for a rational society to develop.

One of the most important missing element in the Managerial Quality has been the EQ. The emotional self of the managers are generally biased as per the environment in which they grew up. If it was urban or rural or violent or peaceful or fast or slow or rich or poor etc etc.

This EQ quotient then defines the management style of the person. Considering that the the IQ of most managers is at the same level, the management style gets reflected by the EQ, which at the moment has no real measure .

A low risk taker manager will postpone key growth investment decisions and will find enough escuses to delay jobs.

A high risk taker will jump, without much analysis and the middle ground managers are anyway most dangerous. They are called the 50:50 Managers. Neither here, nor there.
They are just talkers and will keep blaming one or the other thing for poor growth.

Coming back to EQ: Till we choose to define an optimum manager , the EQ is only a relative term. EQ will factor the behavior, risk abilities, foresight, extreme conditions tolerance, human capital development, innovation, ability to find clarity in clutter , technology savvy etc etc. The list can be improvized and plotted to scale a " Good For Time " manager.

MQ will then be a least score, which one has to qualify to be able to supervize a team with targets and resources.

EQ has to start from the primary classes, where behaviroal sciences have to be given the top score and even with mediocre IQ students ,the EQ will still go and make a very fine society/ organization. EQ would teach the students the diversity of nature and its significance and the respect which each element of nature deserves to develop a true harmonous society. Currently, this is being left to the discipline in the class and the religious beliefs of the people.

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